
Here are a few of the features that you will see here at Three Sisters Reviews. Please note that most of these are not set features and will occur sporadically unless otherwise stated.

Amaz(on)-ing Deals 

Not all great books have to cost you $9.99 at Amazon. In fact, you can find some wonderful reads there for $0.99 if you look hard enough. In this feature, we will share any "amazing" deals we find while scouring the Kindle booklist.  

What the F#&$ Did I Just Read? 

Now this isn't meant to be mean in all cases. But have you ever read a book before that just had you going "WTF?" after you finished it? It can be a good WTF, a bad WTF or just an in-general WTF. This feature will cover that amusing and sometimes aggravating feeling after you put down a book.

Cover Art: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 

They always say "don't judge a book by it's cover" but sometimes it's just so hard not to do this. In my case, I have a tendency to venture towards "pretty" covers or those that intrigue me. Probably not the best determining factor in whether or not I'm going to read the book but it's the truth. There are covers that don't fit the story, covers that are too pretty for the story and covers that look as if they were thrown together in Photoshop by a 10 year old after eating a bag of chocolate. So we'll share some of these with you with commentary, of course.

Freebie Fridays 

Everyone loves a free book, yes? And of course there's the Top 100 free books list on Amazon but there's so many more out there to be discovered. This feature will provide you descriptions of free books and apps that we've found along the way that we think are definite downloads. What have you got to lose as they are free!

Oldies but Goodies

Is there a book that you just love but it's nowhere near the New Releases list? There's nothing wrong with that - there's always a book or two that we love to reach for on a rainy day and reread over and over again. In this feature, we'll share some of our favorite oldies but goodies with you.

Disclaimer: In no way will these features be malicious in any way. They are meant to be helpful and/or humorous and above all, honest.

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